Saturday 16 August 2014


From as far back as i can remember my dad has always talked about how through Umuganda he helped build all the main roads leading up to his town. His blood, sweat and tears forever drained for this purpose. It was very interesting and rewarding for me to many years later to take part in my very own Umuganda. Be it in a different community.

Umuganda can be translated to mean 'coming together to achieve a common outcome'. It normally takes place on the last Saturday of every month. This is when all the members of the community; friends, family and guests all come together to do something that will better improve their community. Be it making roads like my dad did as a young man or simply clearing the watering well like we did.
More often than not all Rwandans between 18-65 are obliged to participate in Umuganda and even expatriates living in Rwanda are encouraged to take part. Umuganda is a very special part of Rwandan culture and one that i hope will continue on for ever since the value of it is evident to see and is immense.

At the end of umuganda we all came together to pray and give thanx for everyones hard work. A local village court also took place since one of the village accused another of intentionally throwing his clothes down a toilet. The village found the accused guilty and she was fined 50,000 Rwf as well as told to leave the village since the other village member were scared she might throw their children down the toilet pit.
After doing the Umuganda we had out first team lunch away from the other group. We all got dolled up and made our way to chantel's for chicken and chips. This being africa the food took 2.5 hours to arrive but at least it was fresh and tasted amazing, though this might have been due to the fact that we were so hungry and tired.
As you can all tell i married a comedian or an idiot. I will leave you all to :)
Reuben aka Hubby being his special self :P

I am off now so i will have to talk to y'all soon. Love y'all
Issie xox

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